iWOE-30 “The International Workshop on Oxide Electronics” in Darmstadt
Newsflash of TU-Darmstadt
Picture: Fachgebiet Dünne SchichtenPicture: Fachgebiet Dünne Schichten
Next guest professor from NCKU (Taiwan) at TU Darmstadt
After the visit from Prof. Jen-Sue Chen (Materials Science) and Prof. Jih-Jen WU (Chemical Engineering) in January/February, in July/August Prof. Dr. Peter Chen (MaterialsScience) from National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) in Taiwan stayed in our group as a guest professor.
Picture: Fachgebiet Dünne SchichtenPicture: Fachgebiet Dünne Schichten
Join us at ICM
in Bologna, Italy (30th June – 5th July)
22nd International conference on Magnetism
Picture: Fachgebiet Dünne SchichtenPicture: Fachgebiet Dünne Schichten
iWOE-30 in Darmstadt
International Workshop on Oxide Electronics – 29 September – 2 October
Register now!
Join us at CIMTEC in Montecatini, Italy (June 20-24)
Global Conference “Materials in an Explosively Growing Informatics World”
Picture: Fachgebiet Dünne SchichtenPicture: Fachgebiet Dünne Schichten
Conference on Neuromorphic Computing
ICNCE 2024 – June 3-6
We are excited to share that our team just returned from the ICNCE 2024 in Aachen!
Picture: Gabi HaindlPicture: Gabi Haindl
Disputation by Thorsten Schneider
Topic: “Impact of epitaxial strain on antiferroelectricity in NaNbO₃ and AgNbO₃ thin films”
Picture: Fachgebiet Dünne SchichtenPicture: Fachgebiet Dünne Schichten
Visit from the NCKU (Taiwan)
Picture: Georgia GkouziaPicture: Georgia Gkouzia
Disputation by Nils Schäfer
Topic: “Low-temperature co-sputtering for interlayer-free high performance Nb₃Sn thin film coated copper SRF cavities”
Picture: Gabi HaindlPicture: Gabi Haindl
Disputation by Mahdad Mohammadi
Topic: “Optical properties in highly conductive perovskites”
Picture: Fachgebiet Dünne SchichtenPicture: Fachgebiet Dünne Schichten
24th November 2023: Workshop on Recent Advances in Thin Film Research
24th November 2023
Picture: Fachgebiet Dünne SchichtenPicture: Fachgebiet Dünne Schichten
Recent Advances and Future Prospects for Memristive Materials, Devices, and Systems
See the latest review article on memristors.
Picture: Gabi HaindlPicture: Gabi Haindl
Disputation by Nico Kaiser
Topic: “Substoichiometric phases of hafnium oxide with semiconducting properties”
ATFT at Intermag 2023 in Sendai, Japan
Picture: TU Darmstadt / Patrick BalPicture: TU Darmstadt / Patrick Bal
TU Darmstadt Research Fellow with ATFT and Computer Systems groups
Picture: Jürgen SchreeckPicture: Jürgen Schreeck
GP-MS doctoral candidates visit materials science at TU Darmstadt
March 3rd to March 10th 2023
The international Joint Graduate Program in Materials Science (GP-MS) has sent five PhD candidates to the Materials Science department of TU Darmstadt to evaluate a possible exchange of half a year during their PhD time.
Picture: Gabi HaindlPicture: Gabi Haindl
Disputation by Tobias Vogel
Topic: “Switching in emerging memories and their response to heavy ion irradiation”
Picture: Lambert AlffPicture: Lambert Alff
Graduate School workshop in Sendai, Japan
24th October to 27th October
The international Joint Graduate Program in Materials Science (GP-MS) organized its 5th symposium at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan.
Picture: Lambert AlffPicture: Lambert Alff
Best poster award to Georgia at MMM 2022
October 31st to November 4th 2022
Congratulations to Georgia Gkouzia winning the best poster award at the MMM 2022 (Magnetism and Magnetic Materials) in Minneapolis.
Picture: Fachgebiet Dünne SchichtenPicture: Fachgebiet Dünne Schichten
Emerging memory exposed to heavy ion radiation
ACS Nano publication on emerging memory materials and devices
Meet us at iWOE28 in Portland
October 2nd to October 5th 2022
The International Workshop on Oxide Electronics series has become an important venue to discuss recent advances and emerging trends in this central field of our research.
Picture: Fachgebiet Dünne SchichtenPicture: Fachgebiet Dünne Schichten
ATFT memristor research at CIMTEC and NANO 2022
We presented our most recent results on two conferences in Spain and Italy.
Picture: FG Dünne SchichtenPicture: FG Dünne Schichten
Be in limbo with superconducting materials
You know skateboards – but do you know the superconducting hoverboard?
Picture: Fachgebiet Dünne SchichtenPicture: Fachgebiet Dünne Schichten
Top-Story of Elettra Synchrotron Trieste
Batteries – Interfacial chemical reactions and stability in 5V Lithium Ion Cells
Picture: Fachgebiet Dünne SchichtenPicture: Fachgebiet Dünne Schichten
Novel Polymorphs of Hafnium Oxide published in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
Defect-Stabilized Substoichiometric Polymorphs of Hafnium Oxide with Semiconducting Properties – ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 14, 1290–1303 (2022)