Advanced Thin Film Technology Group

Welcome to the homepage of the Advanced Thin Film Technology group at the Technische Universität Darmstadt. We are working on new materials for the next generations of energy-efficient components for microelectronics and energy conversion.

Our group is located in the research field M+M (Matter and Materials) of the TU Darmstadt.

Prof. Dr. Lambert Alff

From tunable antennas in mobile communications to non-volatile memory devices in microelectronics, thin films often form the core of functional components and devices. A new thin-film material sometimes consists of only a few atomic layers, but contributes significantly to a desired property such as improved energy efficiency or higher performance.

Picture: Katrin Binner
Picture: Gabi Haindl

About the Group

The Advanced Thin Film Technology group is a global leader in the development of modern thin film technologies and new electronic materials. In self-designed thin-film systems we control materials atom by atom.

Picture: Dünne Schichten

Our Research

We focus on dielectric, magnetic and superconducting thin films for energy-efficient devices and components for a green future.

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Picture: Gabi Haindl


In addition to basic lectures on solid-state material properties, students can participate in a series of lectures on thin films and their applications.

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