Disputation by Mahdad Mohammadi


Topic: “Optical properties in highly conductive perovskites”

We congratulate Dr Mahdad Mohammadi on his very successful defense of his doctoral thesis on “our” highly conductive oxide SrMoO3. The thesis focusses on the fact that SrMoO3 is not only highly conductive but also has a high transparency. Dr Mohammadi has shown that the optical properties can be adjusted over a wide range through clever substitutions. This makes the material interesting as a replacement for the critical material indium tin oxide, but also for electronic components in oxide electronics and plasmonics. The results of the work were published in the very high-quality journal Advanced Materials (impact factor 30). Prof Dr Sascha Preu from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology was a member of the examination board as an external examiner.

We wish Mahdad all the best for the future and look forward to a publication together with the Korean No. 1 University Seoul National University in the near future!