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Latest news from our Institute
Picture: Kilian Schäfer, TU DarmstadtPicture: Kilian Schäfer, TU Darmstadt
Robotics taking wings thanks to butterflies
Study develops method for movement without electronics and batteries
Study develops method for movement without electronics and batteries
Picture: Open CeramicsPicture: Open Ceramics
Special Issue: Advanced Doping Strategies, Defect States and Electronic Structure of Functional Oxides
Call for papers
Hobit Talks 2025
Materials science in nine talks
Materials science in nine talks
Successful start to the Evonik lecture series at TU Darmstadt
Vivid exchange between science and industry
Vivid exchange between science and industry
Picture: Adobe Stock / Antonioguillem / TU DarmstadtPicture: Adobe Stock / Antonioguillem / TU Darmstadt
New paths in study orientation: TUDa Campus Quest – Mission Metallgedächtnis
“Mission Metallgedächtnis” (Mission Metal Memory) published as the first part of a series of 360° browser games designed to learn about TU Darmstadt study programmes
“Mission Metallgedächtnis” (Mission Metal Memory) published as the first part of a series of 360° browser games designed to learn about TU Darmstadt study programmes
New publication in Nature Materials: “Planetary Boundaries and Scientific Societies”
Professor Rödel renews his call to the scientific community to contribute to a more sustainable future
Professor Rödel renews his call to the scientific community to contribute to a more sustainable future
Picture: Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk / ARD Mediathek | Source: Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk / ARD Mediathek | Source:
MAGNOTHERM on TV : How materials science is revolutionizing an old technology
TV report on inventiveness and the innovative power of materials science
TV report on inventiveness and the innovative power of materials science
Picture: Deutscher Zukunftspreis / Bildschön | Source: Deutscher Zukunftspreis / Bildschön | Source:
German Future Prize 2024 goes to Dr. Norwin von Malm
Alumnus of the Institute of Materials Science receives the Federal President's Award for the development of “Digital Light”
Alumnus of the Institute of Materials Science receives the Federal President's Award for the development of “Digital Light”
Picture: SFB FLAIRPicture: SFB FLAIR
Zukunftsforum Elektrokeramik
Exchange event on electroceramics on 27.02.2025 in the Lichtenberghaus
Exchange event on electroceramics on 27.02.2025 in the Lichtenberghaus
Picture: HIGHEST/Benjamin SchenkPicture: HIGHEST/Benjamin Schenk
“Spin-off label” for start-ups from the Institute of Materials Science
Illutherm and Magnotherm receive quality seal for science-based start-ups
Illutherm and Magnotherm receive quality seal for science-based start-ups
Professor Gutfleisch is new acatech member
Head of the Functional Materials research group has been elected into the German Academy of Science and Engineering
Head of the Functional Materials research group has been elected into the German Academy of Science and Engineering
Go Out – MaWi – Study abroad 2025/26 | Fit for the application!
Information events on studying abroad in materials science
Picture: Ruben BischlerPicture: Ruben Bischler
Energy from the hibiscus flower: building a dye-sensitized solar cell
Materials Science in the Merck Juniorlabor
Materials Science in the Merck Juniorlabor
Picture: Han et al., DOI: 10.1038/s41578-024-00720-yPicture: Han et al., DOI: 10.1038/s41578-024-00720-y
Multifunctional High-Entropy Alloys
New publication in Nature Review Materials
New publication in Nature Review Materials
Picture: Mohit MakhijaPicture: Mohit Makhija
New partnership agreement with University of Uppsala
Agreement to intensify joint research and student/research staff exchange within the frame of the CRC/TRR HOMMAGE
Agreement to intensify joint research and the exchange of students and researchers within the frame of the CRC/TRR HOMMAGE
Picture: Katrin BinnerPicture: Katrin Binner
Sustainable, safe, affordable: researching innovative magnets
Dr. Pelin Tozman receives ERC Starting Grant totalling 1.5 million euros
Dr. Pelin Tozman receives ERC Starting Grant totalling 1.5 million euros
Picture: ISMES XIIPicture: ISMES XII
SAVE THE DATE: International School of Materials for Energy and Sustanability
Picture: James Lee / IOM3Picture: James Lee / IOM3
European Championship for Young Scientists in Materials Science
Oliver Preuß from TU Darmstadt wins Master Thesis Award 2024 of the Federation of European Materials Societies
Picture: Cruz GarciaPicture: Cruz Garcia
First TU researcher with four ERC grants
Machine learning for electron microscopy: Leopoldo Molina-Luna receives EU funding
Machine learning for electron microscopy: Leopoldo Molina-Luna receives EU funding
Picture: Markus Käsler / ZFC e.V.Picture: Markus Käsler / ZFC e.V.
Top performances at the 36th MINT Erfinderlabor
Young talents for materials research