Picture: SFB 1487, TU DarmstadtPicture: SFB 1487, TU Darmstadt
CRC 1487 Iron, upgraded! will be funded by DFG, starting 01-01-2022
Functional Materials group of Prof. Gutfleisch is involved
The new CRC 1487 Iron, upgraded! with Prof. Ulrike Kramm as the speaker aims at replacing rare, expensive, toxic or polluting materials used for many relevant technical purposes like electromobility or hydrogen technology by precisely manipulated iron, which is a versatile, cheap, easily accessible and non-toxic material. The Functional Materials group of Prof. Gutfleisch is involved with a project in this new Collaborative Research Centre. Read more
“Hessen schafft Wissen” as guest in Functional Materials
The Science Reporter from “Hessen schafft Wissen” visited Prof. Oliver Gutfleisch.
Maximum performance of an active magnetic regenerator
New publication in Applied Physics Letters
An analytical expression for the maximum heat a magnetocaloric material can transfer in one cooling cycle has been derived by investigating the operation of a simplified active magnetic regenerator (AMR).
Picture: Katrin BinnerPicture: Katrin Binner
Research for physically handicapped people
Functional Materials is part of new DFG-funded research training group (GRK) “LokoAssist” at TU Darmstadt
The German Research Foundation (DFG) has approved the new research training group “LokoAssist – Seamless Integration of Assistance Systems for Natural Human Locomotion” at TU Darmstadt and the University of Heidelberg. The collegium will be funded for four and a half years starting in 2022 with a budget of around 6 million euros.
Microstructure engineering of metamagnetic Ni-Mn-based Heusler compounds by Fe-doping
A roadmap towards excellent cyclic stability combined with large elastocaloric and magnetocaloric effects
New publication: Ni-Mn-based metamagnetic shape-memory alloys are highly promising for solid-state caloric cooling applications but commonly exhibit structural and functional fatigue during cyclic operation.
DIN standardization of magnetocaloric characterization published
Under the lead of the Functional Materials group of TU Darmstadt, an international consortium of experts in the field of magnetocalorics has developed a standardization document for the correct measurement of the most important properties for caloric materials.
Picture: Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG)Picture: Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG)
Benedikt Beckmann receives the INNOMAG e.V. Diploma / Master Prize 2021
The working group Magnetism of the German Physical Society (DPG) has awarded Benedikt Beckmann the Diploma / Master Prize 2021 at the Autumn Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section.
FM PhD students at the “European School on Magnetism”
Three PhD students from the Functional Materials group participated in the „European School on Magnetism"in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Ultrastrong and Ductile Soft Magnetic High-Entropy Alloys via Coherent Ordered Nanoprecipitates
New publication in Advanced Materials
Ultrastrong and ductile bulk high-entropy Fe-Co-Ni-Al-Ta alloy with excellent soft magnetic properties were obtained by introducing a high volume fraction of coherent and ordered nanoprecipitates into the alloy matrix. The high coherency between the homogeneously dispersed nanoprecipitates and the alloy matrix contributed significantly to increase the mechanical properties without affecting the magnetic domain wall motion, preserving soft magnetic behavior.
Influence of microstructure on the application of Ni-Mn-In Heusler compounds for multicaloric cooling using magnetic field and uniaxial stress
New publication in Acta Materialia
In this new publication, we reveal a crucial role of grain orientation on the stress-induced martensitic transformation as well as the impact of grain size on the mechanical stability and the magnetic-field-induced transformation dynamics.