Prof. Dr. Oliver Gutfleisch
work +49 6151 16-22150
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Oliver Gutfleisch is a full Professor (W3) for Functional Materials at TU Darmstadt. He studied Material Science at TU Berlin, did his PhD in Birmingham, UK, and was a group leader at Leibniz Institute IFW Dresden. 2012 he joined TU Darmstadt, since then he also served as one of the scientific directors in the build-up of the Fraunhofer IWKS Materials Recycling and Resource Strategies; from 2022 he continues this activity in an advisory role. His scientific interests span from new permanent magnets for power applications, wind energy and electro-mobility to solid state energy efficient magnetic cooling at room temperature and for hydrogen liquefaction, functional high entropy alloys, ferromagnetic shape memory alloys, magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications, and to solid state hydrogen storage materials with a particular emphasis on tailoring structural and chemical properties on the nanoscale. Materials are synthesized by advanced processing incl. gas-solid reactions, non-equilibrium, field-assisted, severe plastic deformation and additive manufacturing methods. Resource efficiency on element, process and product levels as well as recycling of rare earth containing materials are also in the focus of his work.
Oliver Gutfleisch has published more than 510 papers in refereed journals, and has given more than 260 invited talks. In 2011, he was an IEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Lecturer on the topic of Magnet Materials for Energy. He is on the Intl. Advisory Committees of JEMS, of the Int. Workshop on Rare Earth Permanent Magnets and their Applications and of the Magnetic Refrigeration Intl. Working Party. He served on the IEEE Magnetics Society AdCom (2011-2013). He was EU ERAMIN (Network on the Industrial Handling of Raw Materials for European Industries) advisor on substitution, a member of the EU ERECON (European Rare Earths Competency Network) and is a member of the REIA (Rare Earth Industry Association), a Task force leader in ERMA (European Raw Materials Alliance) and chairs the DGM Expert Committee Functional Materials. From 2024-2028 he serves as in the DFG Fachkollegium 4.32 Materialwissenschaft -01 Funktionsmaterialien. He is the co-founder of two spin-off companies in magnetism.
2009–2011 Gutfleisch was the Coordinator of the EU Project Diversity (Improving the gender diversity management in materials research institutions). He coordinated the State of Hesse LOEWE Excellence Program Response from 2014-2017. He did hold visiting fellowships and Professorships at CNRS Grenoble, NIMS Tsukuba, Imperial College London, Chinese Academy of Science NIMTE Institute in Ningbo and University of Parma. In April 2017 he was awarded an EU ERC Advanced Grant (Cool Innov) and in September 2018 he received the Prize of the German Materials Society (DGM Prize 2018). He is since 2020 the speaker of the DFG Cooperate Research Center 270 HoMMage - Hysteresis Design of Magnetic Materials for Efficient Energy Conversion. He was elevated to IEEE Fellow in 2020, received the REPM 2021 achievement award and is running the external Max-Planck Research Group De Magnete at MPI for Iron Research Düsseldorf since October 2020. He joined Acta Materialia and Scripta Materialia as an Associate Editor from January 2023. He is the Coordinator of the EU Pathfinder Open Project CoCoMag (Multi-property Compositionally Complex Magnets for Advanced Energy Applications), 2023–2026. He received in March 2023 the European Magnetism Association (EMA) Dominique Givord Award for Advancing Magnetism in Europe.
- Material Science for Energy Systems
- Critical raw materials for the transition to renewable energy
- Hysteresis in functional magnetic materials: fundamentals and applications
- Werkstoffherstellung und –verarbeitung (Bachelor)
- Functional Materials