Picture: T. Gottschall, B. Schröder/HZDRPicture: T. Gottschall, B. Schröder/HZDR
Industrial-scale magnetic cooling
Magnetocaloric effect for more efficient hydrogen liquefaction
Hydrogen will play a key role in the transformation towards a carbon-neutral society. By comparison with current usage, it is estimated that global hydrogen requirements will increase fivefold by 2050 to some 550 million tons. But in order to store hydrogen, enormous amounts of energy are needed. During liquefaction, approximately a third of the energy content of hydrogen is lost, which makes the process largely uneconomical. In the Horizon Europe project HyLICAL with a budget of about some five million euros, a team including the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), TU Darmstadt and the start-up MAGNOTHERM wants to significantly improve the technologies for storing liquid hydrogen. To this end, the team is building on magnetocaloric materials that change their temperature when they are exposed to a magnetic field.
Givord Award for Advancing Magnetism to Professor Gutfleisch
Featured article in JAP: Influence of Gd-rich precipitates on the martensitic transformation, magnetocaloric effect, and mechanical properties of Ni-Mn-In Heusler alloys
New publication
We investigated the effect of Gd-rich precipitates in multicaloric Ni-Mn-In-Heusler alloys on the martensitic transformation, magnetocaloric effect, and mechanical properties.
Magnetic and structural properties of multiple recycled and sustainable sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets
New publication
Roadmap towards optimal magnetic properties in L10-MnAl permanent magnets
New joint publication between Technische Universität Darmstadt, the Beihang University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University from China
Dissipation losses limiting first-order phase transition materials in cryogenic caloric cooling: A case study on all-d-metal Ni(-Co)-Mn-Ti Heusler alloys
Poster Award for Kilian Schäfer at MRS Fall Meeting 2022
We congratulate our colleague Kilian Schäfer for the poster award MRS Fall Meeting 2022 in Boston.
Picture: Fraunhofer IWKSPicture: Fraunhofer IWKS
Ein neuartiges, nachhaltiges Herstellungsverfahren für Permanentmagnete
Projekt Scale2PM der TU Darmstadt gemeinsam mit Fraunhofer IWKS gestartet
Permanentmagnete auf Basis von Seltenen Erden (SE) erhöhen u.a. die Effizienz von Generatoren in Windkraftanlagen und Motoren in Elektrofahrzeugen signifikant. Sie sind somit für eine erfolgreiche Energiewende unerlässlich. Doch die Versorgung und der Abbau von SE wird von der EU als sehr kritisch eingestuft. An diesem Punkt setzt das aktuell gestartete Projekt Scale2PM der Technischen Universität Darmstadt gemeinsam mit der Fraunhofer-Einrichtung für Wertstoffkreisläufe und Ressourcenstrategie IWKS an: Ziel ist es, ein neuartiges Herstellungsverfahren zu validieren, um Permanentmagnete mit besseren oder gleichwertigen Eigenschaften bei verringertem Ressourceneinsatz zu produzieren.
Prof. Gutfleisch Associated Editor at Acta and Scripta Materialia
Evaluation of Fe-nitrides, -borides and -carbides for enhanced magnetic fluid hyperthermia with experimental study of α''-Fe16N2 and ε-Fe3N nanoparticles