Advanced Materials: Innovative Recycling

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European Master in Materials Science

The Master in Advanced Materials: Innovative Recycling (AMIR) is a world leading programme that explores the raw material value chain, particularly focusing on recycling. The programme aims to educate students to become highly-skilled professionals with expertise in a variety of raw materials fields and to instil a deep entrepreneurial mindset from a wealth of businesses, incubators, innovation services and industry contributors that make up the programme.

AMIR-EM is an ERASMUS MUNDUS Master programme supported by the European Union

The AMIR-EM Master has obtained the EMJM label and funding. With this, scholarships amounting to 1,400 € per month can be offered to a limited number of candidates (those with the highest scores in the selection process). In Addition, EMJM scholarship holders do not pay the AMIR-EM fees and are provided with comprehensive insurance for the 2-year duration of the programme.

All AMIR (non-Erasmus Mundus) students receive the EIT label grant, which amounts to 13,500 €, paid during the second and third semesters.

AMIR is part of the EIT Raw Materials Academy

AMIR is supported by the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) and the International Master programme of the Bordeaux “Initiative of Excellence” (IdEx)

The knowledge acquired on the programme is underpinned by an entrepreneurial mindset that provides essential transferable skills for researchers, such as intellectual property, research ethics and scientific communication.

Study Objectives

  • The AMIR Master programme offers students the possibility of obtaining a double diploma; a nationally accredited diploma from each of the two partner universities where they study.
  • Educating students to become highly-skilled European professionals with expertise in various types of materials. This expertise will enable them to develop, at a large and ambitious scale, new methods for material recycling. In addition, the AMIR program includes classes on transferable skills such as innovation, ethics, intellectual property, life cycle assessment, sustainability and advanced research strategies.
  • Developing a deep entrepreneurship mind-set with the help and expertise of associated businesses, incubators and innovation services as well as a large panel of industries.

AMIR Master: further information

AMIR-EM Master: further information

Download the course scheme (wird in neuem Tab geöffnet)

Download the Brochure (wird in neuem Tab geöffnet)