Bachelor of Science in Materials Science
B.Sc. Materialwissenschaft

Practical. Interdisciplinary. Future-oriented.

The B.Sc. in Materials Science comprises 180 CP, which are spread over six semesters in the standard period of study. You can expect an enormously varied course of study at the intersection of basic research and practical application, with countless opportunities to specialize.

The degree programme is structured as follows:

  • Compulsory courses (lectures, tutorials, laboratory courses
    • In the first half of the course, students learn the basics of Materials Science, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Programming.
    • The second half of the course focuses on in-depth materials science content. In addition to Sustainable Materials and Characterisation Methods of Materials Science, topics such as Functional Properties of Solids and Construction Materials are covered.
  • Three Compulsory Elective Areas (CEA) distributed throughout the degree program offer great scope for individual orientation:
    • Materials Science CEA: e.g. electrical engineering or machine learning in materials science.
    • Technical and scientific CEA e.g. bionics, organic chemistry, robotics, optoelectronics, aerodynamics.
    • Non-technical CEA (Studium Generale): e.g. economics, business administration, philosophy of technology, project management, patent law.
  • In your Bachelor's thesis, you will spend three months working on a project in one of our research groups.

After your Bachelor's degree, you can specialize in the M.Sc. Materials Science or one of our international double degree programs .

Picture: Jan-Christoph Hartung

Study Organisation

Detailed information on the study programme, including the module handbook, study and examination schedule, and the course catalogue can be found on the website of the TU Darmstadt Central Student Advisory and Orientation Office.

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