Internships for Enhancing Social and Civic Key Competences

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The TU Darmstadt is involved in the Erasmus+ project to promote social and civic competences among students through professional internships.

The IN4SOC project – INternships for enhancing SOcial and Civic Key Competences for Lifelong Learning in Technical Universities was approved by the European Union in the call for proposals of the Erasmus+ 2018 programme as part of the Strategic Partnership for higher education. TU Darmstadt’s participation is carried out through the Materials Science department by Dr. Joachim Brötz.

The project started last September and it will have a total duration of three years. The expected results include guidelines to formulate replicable socio-civic internships, guides for ensuring the success of these internships, as well as tools to be used by students and organizations. The project also aims to establish the basis for a future network of universities offering these internships, which will enlarge the cooperation between academia and the rest of society. In this respect, the researchers emphasize that effective collaboration with industry is part of universities’ commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


In4SOC Moodle Platform Tutorial Video

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