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The student council meeting this summer semester will be held on Tuesdays at 5:00pm in L2|01 Room 28 (Student Council Room).
Feel free to drop by!
In general, a distinction is made between active and passive student councils. According to the Hessian Higher Education Act, all students of a faculty belong to the passive student body.
The active student council, on the other hand, represents the professional interests of the students who belong to it. This can be done through participation in departmental committees, such as the department council or the examination board. In addition, events such as the orientation week for freshmen, the department party at the beginning of studies, the Advent celebration or the summer party are organized.
In order to organize the mentioned celebrations and the committee work, the student council meets once a week. Normally this takes place in the student council room located in room 28 in L2/01.
If you are interested in participating and actively supporting the interests of the students in our department, please just drop by anytime, use the or send us an email to the following address: contact form