
Here on this page we try to give you a small overview of useful software for your studies.

Beside the chargeable Excel and Open/LibreOffice there are many programs that can plot much better and easier. For example you can get the program QtiPlot for free from the department. Otherwise there is also the program gnuplot as a free alternative. However, with gnuplot it is sometimes a bit more difficult to get used to the program, but it is worth it!

As a student of the Department of Materials Science, you have access to a license of the OriginPro program free of charge until September 28, 2021. In addition to displaying raw data in publishable graphs in 2D and 3D, Origin handles many common analysis techniques such as fits, Fourier transforms, and more. You can obtain the licenses from the software page of the HRZ.

The classics, which probably everyone knows from school, are of course Microsoft Word and the free alternative LibreOffice (or OpenOffice). However, especially in science, latex is often used. However, since latex is very unfamiliar, especially for current Word users, we offer a latex course at least once a year, which provides a short introduction to latex.

The HRZ offers an own instance, ShareLaTeX, of the popular latex editor “Overleaf” on its own servers with full functionality and fast compilation times. Furthermore Overleaf offers a very detailed introduction and documentation of latex which helps especially beginners to understand how latex works.