European Erasmus+ project CIRCular & Socio-Civic Learning Hub
funded under the Erasmus+ 2021 call for Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices (KA2), Project Reference: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000030418.
The CIRC.LE project commits to empower new generations of professionals working in a circular transition with a socio-civic compromise. To that end, we establish the Circular & SOC Learning (CIRC.LE) Hub; a meeting point for students, professors, transdisciplinary experts, society at large, and decision-makers, working together with a circular and socio-civic compromise. In the Circular & SOC Learning Hub, students reflect on challenges by evaluating social and civic implications and become co-creators and active part of the challenge. This humanizing approach is here considered as the perfect complement to the technical skills for a true application of circularity principles.
The CIRC.LE Hub creates a multi-stakeholder, participatory, democratic mutual learning and knowledge transfer platform and puts on the table complex dilemmas and „out of the box“ ideas for students' social and civic development and promoting local action and global thinking. This contributes to boosting the concept of the European Engineer. The pilot Circular & SOC Learning Hub will be promoted by the participating Universities and Associated Partners and then grow beyond this partnership.
The CIRC.LE project commits to empower new generations of professionals working in a circular transition with a socio-civic compromise. To that end, we establish the Circular & SOC Learning (CIRC.LE) Hub; a meeting point for students, professors, transdisciplinary experts, society at large, and decision-makers, working together with a circular and socio-civic compromise.
CIRC.LE specific objectives are:
- To deliver the CIRC.LE Hub, a meeting point for students, researchers, professors and all stakeholders working in a circular transition with a socio-civic compromise.
- To launch social, citizen and sustainable-green (SOCg) learning experiences, based on the European Framework of Key Competences for Life-Long Learning and the European sustainability competence framework (GreenComp), with a global and local perspective, to be addressed by transnational groups of students guided by multidisciplinary experts.
- To collect and create quality open educational resources on circular economy and social, citizenship and sustainable aspects to promote training and reflection.
- To deliver best practices to assess students’ Circular Experiences.
The project consortium includes the following universities: the Istanbul Technical University (Turkey), the NOVA University Lisbon (Portugal), the Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany), the University of Bordeaux (France), the University of Miskolc (Hungary), the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (Romania), and the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain), which acts as project coordinator. This consortium also promotes the constitution of the CIRC.LE Network, which has been designed so that other Universities and Organisations can actively participate in the project as promoters and developers of learning experiences.
For more info see:
- CIRC.LE Blog:
- Circular EELISA Blog:
- Instagram Circular EELISA:
- LinkedIn Circular EELISA: