
At the TU Darmstadt there are various committees in which students are involved. The student council is responsible for the decentralized committees in the respective department. The offices in the department council and student council are elected each year by the students in each department. The QSL commission, the doctoral committee, the examination committee and the study committee are appointed by the department council.

The Faculty Council decides on the most important things in the faculty. This is where all results from other bodies such as the Study Committee (e.g. new courses of study or new editions of courses of study) or the appointment commissions (confirmations of lists) are discussed and confirmed or rejected. Furthermore, the members of the PhD committee, the Examination Board, the QSL committee and the study committee are appointed. The Faculty Council consists of three students, two research assistants, one scientific/technical assistant and seven professors. In addition, the equal opportunities officers are advisory members. The student members of the Faculty Council are elected every summer, the others every second summer.

Like the Faculty Council, the student representatives are elected by the student body. They are the official representatives of the student body and must be consulted, for example, by committees such as the Faculty Council in decisions regarding courses of study. In addition, one of the student representatives leads the meetings of the Student Council. In recent years, there have been either five or seven student representatives, with seats shared with the Geoscience Student Council.

The PhD committee decides on the acceptance/rejection of doctoral candidates. The members are appointed by the Faculty Council for three years, the student member for one year. However, the student member has only an advisory position.

For each degree programme there is a separate Examination Board (i.e. for Bachelor, Master, etc.), which is appointed by the Faculty Council. A majority of professors must be represented on the Examination Board, but one research assistant and one student must also be members. It is the task of the Examination Board to ensure that the study programme regulations and the APB are observed.

The members of the QSL committee are appointed by the Faculty Council. It consists of four students, two professors, an administrative-technical assistant and a research assistant. The task of the QSL committee is to distribute the decentralized QSL funds (quality assurance of studies and teaching), which are spent for example on new equipment for laboratory practicals, new computers in the computer pool and similar.

The study committee is also appointed by the Faculty Council. It consists of three professors, three research assistants and three students. The Study Committee improves current courses of study and develops new courses of study. In addition, measures for the recruitment of students, for example, are discussed.