
The past highlights of the Nonmetallic- Inorganic Materials Division are listed on this page.

Highlights 2024

Fan Ni secured 3rd prize amongst M.Sc. students for her presentation on dislocations and the effect on properties in ferroelectrics at the annual meeting of the German Ceramic Society (DKG) in Sept. 2024.

Fan Ni won the Hans Walter Hennicke Preis
Fan Ni won the Hans Walter Hennicke Preis

Within the framework of “FEMS Junior Euromat”, the FEMS (Federation of European Materials Societies) Master Thesis Award took place on July 17, 2024, in Manchester. Nine candidates from eight European countries presented a lecture on their master's thesis and had to face the jury's questions. The FEMS is the umbrella organisation of national European societies for materials science, and each participant had to win their country's competition beforehand.

Representing the German Society for Materials Science (DGM) was Oliver Preuß, doctoral candidate from the Technical University of Darmstadt. With his topic “Dislocation-Based Toughening in Single-Crystal Potassium Niobate”, he presented new ways to protect ceramic surfaces from cracks through plastic deformation, earning him first prize. The second place went to Ines Addi from the French society SF2M, and the third prize went to the Italian Sara Scolari from AIM.

Former FEMS President Prof. Dr. Anna Zervaki noted that selecting the winners was very difficult due to the very high quality of the presentations. Current FEMS President Prof. Dr. Aldo Boccaccini said that in light of the demonstrated achievements, he sees a “bright future for materials science in Europe”.

The FEMS Junior Euromat is a materials science conference particularly aimed at young scientists, especially doctoral candidates. In addition to technical presentations, it offers excellent opportunities to network with like-minded individuals across Europe, thus promoting future collaborations and international research exchanges.

Faces of MaWi Oliver Preuß – PhD student in the department for Non-Metallic-Inorganic Materials (opens in new tab)

Prof Rödel at his farewell lecture on 27.06.2024.
Prof Rödel at his farewell lecture on 27.06.2024.

60 doctoral students, 13 postdocs, six habilitation candidates, more than 100 students who have completed their theses under his supervision, 18 guest researchers with Alexander von Humboldt scholarships and many more. Jürgen Rödel's 30 years as a professor at TU Darmstadt could also be summarised by his immense international significance for an entire field of research, the many high-profile positions he has held and, of course, the prestigious prizes he has been awarded. In his final lecture on 27 June 2024, however, it became clear that the most important characteristic of Rödel and his career is something that prize money and impact factors cannot quantify: his ability to bring people together and promote talent.

Nevertheless, the countable milestones in the career of researcher Jürgen Rödel were of course honoured, too. In his introductory speech, Prof Karsten Durst, Dean of the Department of Materials- and Geosciences, emphasised Rödel's award of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize from the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG), often referred to as the German Nobel Prize. He received this in 2009 for his achievements in the development of lead-free piezoceramics. Durst also referred to the Collaborative Research Centre 595, which Rödel recruited for the department in 2003 and headed as spokesperson. The large-scale project, which focussed on research into electrical fatigue in functional ceramics, was the first of its kind at the still young department and was funded by the DFG for twelve years.

Prof Matthias Oechsner, Vice President for Research at TU Darmstadt and a materials scientist himself, followed on from the previous speaker with impressive figures in his welcoming address: Rödel's 393 publications, which together have been cited almost 35000 times, were not only a lot, but above all of very high quality. This earned the “very capable and enthusiastic scientist” 7th place in the list of the world's most cited researchers in the field of functional ceramics.

Oechsner then turned the spotlight on Rödel's role for TU Darmstadt. Rödel was an active member of TU Darmstadt's Science Council (“Wissenschaftsrat”) from 2011 to 2024. The committee advises the Presidential Board on strategic issues relating to the direction of research activities. Rödel interrupted this mandate from 2014 to 2017 to take up the position of Vice President for Research. From 2019 to 2024, Rödel was a DFG liaison lecturer at TU Darmstadt. In these and many other voluntary activities, including outside TU Darmstadt, Rödel has passed on his knowledge and experience from many decades of cutting-edge research so that others can benefit from it. Rödel later said: “I know how to write proposals, but above all I know how not to write them.” The Vice-President concluded: “What a great career and what an enormous influence not only on scientific progress, but also on scientific institutions, academies and funding organisations – not least on TU Darmstadt.”

The laudator, Prof Karsten Albe, Rödel's colleague of many years and his self-titled successor as the “tribal elder” at the Institute of Materials Science, then emphasised Rödel's outstanding human strengths once again. Rödel is well known for bringing people together, exchanging ideas and developing them further. He always encourages his colleagues to take a close look at things and question how they really work. Albe characterised Rödel as a “talent scout, a team builder and a great supporter” and also pointed out that Rödel is a role model in the important field of science communication. At the end of his speech, Albe recited a poem he had written for and about Rödel, entitled “Der Bleifreie” (The Lead-free).

Finally, Rödel was invited to the lectern – officially for the last time. He summarised his career, in which he constantly reinvented himself within the research field of functional ceramics. He divided his scientific activities into the four phases “Sintering I”, “Lead-free piezoceramics”, “Dislocations in ceramics” and “Sintering II (light-based sintering)” – not to be separated from one another stringently. Rödel has achieved outstanding results in all of these areas. In his well-known matter-of-fact manner, he said: “We simply built our own equipment and were thus able to carry out experiments that no one else in the world could.” With regard to his work on the mechanical behaviour of materials, he added dryly: “We often broke stuff.” However, he emphasised that the cornerstones of his career were and are his encounters with people. The title of his final lecture is also to be understood against this background: “I've always been lucky.” However, Rödel revealed with a wink that he had to fight hard for these encounters, at least at the beginning of his career: “I associated with very intelligent people, against the better knowledge of my father.”

Rödel also gave an outlook on what he will be doing from now on. In his private life, he wants to devote himself to his hobbies of hiking and cycling. However, he does not yet consider his scientific work to be complete. Here, he wants to concentrate fully on the things that also occupy him in his private life: The sustainability crisis, which, as he pointed out, goes far beyond the climate crisis, but also includes aspects such as the integrity of the biosphere, ocean acidification or drinking water availability. In the recent past, Rödel has emphasised the urgency of sustainable action in many presentations. In particular, he urged the research communities to communicate their respective knowledge about the crises and possible solutions loudly and relentlessly, but also to set a good example themselves – for example in the form of sustainable laboratory operations or sustainably organised conferences. With this in mind, Rödel founded the International Alliance of Societies for a Sustainable Future (SFS) at the beginning of the year. He will now use the reputation he has built up over the past decades to expand the alliance.

It is already clear that the work of the internationally renowned materials scientist will have a lasting impact. Through his research results, his role model function, and most importantly for Rödel, through his protégés – more than twenty of whom meanwhile hold professorships themselves all over the world.

The ILLUTHERM GmbH, a spin-off from the Department of NAW at TU Darmstadt, aims to reduce industrial CO2 emissions and energy consumption by heating materials such as ceramics and cement to high temperatures using intense blue LED light powered by green electricity. The idea originated in the search for a rapid firing process for ceramics. Illutherm thanks all supporters and the other finalist teams!

Link Pressemitteilung

Link Illutherm

Dr Lukas Porz/CEO Michael Scherer /CTO Milto Vlachos/COO (from left to right)
Dr Lukas Porz/CEO Michael Scherer /CTO Milto Vlachos/COO (from left to right)

Highlights 2023

Oliver Preuß was awarded first place for his work “Dislocation-Based Toughening in Single-Crystal KNbO3” at the DGM's European Materials Day. Preuß' success not only testifies to his exceptional expertise, but also enables him to represent Germany in the prestigious FEMS Junior EUROMAT EU final. His work reflects the high level of research and innovation that the event focuses on.

Oliver Preuß (7th column, 1st row) is honoured.
Oliver Preuß (7th column, 1st row) is honoured.

On Wednesday (22 November), TU Darmstadt celebrated its annual Teaching Day, which is dedicated to current issues and challenges in studying and teaching. The traditional conclusion of the day was the presentation of the Athena Prizes, which are awarded by the Carlo and Karin Giersch Foundation. The Athena Prizes are endowed with a total of 46,000 euros.

The Athena Prizes recognise the special importance of academic teaching at TU Darmstadt. Each faculty awards an Athena Faculty Prize, from which the main Athena Prize is then selected.

Dr Xufei Fang: “for his excellent teaching skills, his outstanding commitment and motivation for teaching and the students and his patient and cheerful manner”.

Xufei Fang receives the Faculty Award MaWi Athene Prize for Good Teaching 2023.
Xufei Fang receives the Faculty Award MaWi Athene Prize for Good Teaching 2023.

The Ceramographic Exhibit & Competition is a unique competition that was held at ACerS annual meeting in conjunction with MS&T23 this October in Columbus, OH. It is an annual poster exhibit that promotes the use of microscopy and microanalysis in the scientific investigation of ceramic materials.

The Roland B. Snow Award is being presented to the Best of Show winner, “Glide Plane” on Nb-SrTiO3”, by Chukwudalu Okafor, Oliver Preuss, Jürgen Rödel, Xufei Fang; Technical University of Darmstadt.

At this year's MS&T23 Exhibit, Dr Maohua Zhang was awarded the Morgan Medal.

Dr Maohua Zhang received the Morning Medal
Dr Maohua Zhang received the Morning Medal

Oliver Preuß won 2nd prize in the ceramographic competition of the American Ceramic Society Basic Science Division held during the annual MS&T conference in the category Optical Microscopy.

The DGM Young Scientists Award is aimed at doctoral students or doctoral graduates who completed their degree no more than two years ago at the time of the proposal. The recipients work on a topic from non-profit research in the field of materials science and materials engineering. The recipients must have completed their university studies and, based on their previous studies and work results, can be expected to have an above-average performance and, with their work, have points of contact with committees or events of the German Society for Materials Science.

Mehr erfahren

The Journal of the American Ceramic Society launched the 2nd Century Trailblazers initiative earlier this year to raise the profile of early-career ceramic and glass scientists and engineers who are conducting outstanding research. More than 70 researchers were nominated this year, with 51 submitting their research and perspective articles for consideration. All articles accepted for publication will be published in a dedicated upcoming issue of JACerS.

After thorough review, the JACerS editors identified submissions that best represented the ideals of the Journal—originality, impact, and writing that engages readers. JACerS editor-in-chief John Mauro, Dorothy Pate Enright Professor at The Pennsylvania State University, studied these exemplary articles and chose the best of the best.

Mauro says, “We should be very proud of the outstanding collection of papers we’ve received as part of the 2nd Century Trailblazers competition. I think this initiative has been a huge success. The finalist papers are all outstanding. I’m sure this will be a landmark issue for the Journal.”

The inaugural 2nd Century Trailblazer is Xufei Fang. Fang is an Athene Young Investigator at the Technical University of Darmstadt and group leader of the new Hydrogen Micromechanics group in the Institute for Applied Materials–Mechanics of Materials and Interfaces at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. His open-access article “Mechanical tailoring of dislocations in ceramics at room temperature: A perspective” describes work performed at TU Darmstadt.

Fang will present his work during the Journal of the American Ceramic Society Awards Symposium at ACerS Annual Meeting at MS&T, which will be held Oct. 1–4, 2023, in Columbus, Ohio.

On Monday, June 17, 2023, a delegation from Tongxiang City visited the working group. The visitors informed themselves about current research projects and measuring equipment.

In the context of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation's 70th anniversary, the Foundation held its Annual Meeting under the motto “What's next”. The Foundation's Annual Meeting was held at Bellevue Palace under the patronage of Federal President Steinmeier.

Funded Persons from 80 countries were guests there.

As part of the festivities, Dr Yan Zhang met with the Federal President.

Federal President Frank Walter Steinmeier and Dr Yan Zhang
Federal President Frank Walter Steinmeier and Dr Yan Zhang

At the suggestion of the Department of Materials and Geosciences, the Association of Friends of the Technische Universität zu Darmstadt e.V. awards Dr. Mao-Hua Zhang this year's prize for outstanding scientific achievement in the field of non-metallic inorganic materials for his dissertation “Field-Induced Phase Transition of Lead-Free Antiferroelectric Niobates”.

Highlights 2022

Dr. Xufei Fang in his lab at the Institute of Materials Science.
Dr. Xufei Fang in his lab at the Institute of Materials Science.

ERC Starting Grant for TU project MECERDIS by materials scientist Dr Xufei Fang

2022/11/22 by Astrid Ludwig

The MECERDIS research project at the Technical University of Darmstadt is awarded an ERC Starting Grant by the European Research Council. Dr Xufei Fang's work is being funded with around 1.5 million euros. The TU materials scientist is researching improved ceramic materials that will enable new applications.

Ceramic materials have become an indispensable part of our daily, modern lives. They are used everywhere – in mobile phones, laptops, computers, for sensors and capacitors or even in aerospace. The materials are very versatile, but also very demanding because they are hard and break easily. This is why TU materials scientist Dr Xufei Fang is researching a new generation of ceramics that possess plastic ductility and also open up new application possibilities thanks to a specifically modified crystal structure.

The young TU scientist's pioneering work is now being funded by the European Research Council with an ERC Starting Grant. For five years, the EU is supporting his project MECERDIS (Mechanics-tailored Functional Ceramics via Dislocations). “A great opportunity”, the 33-year-old is delighted to say. Xufei Fang was already selected and funded by TU Darmstadt as an Athene Young Investigator in 2019 for his basic research.

A targeted disruption of the atomic structure

Ceramics consist of ionic and covalent bonds that make the material hard, but also brittle and easily breakable. To improve the material and make it more flexible, the TU scientist relies on a targeted disruption of precisely this atomic structure. He deliberately builds in defects in which several atoms are missing in the otherwise regular crystal lattice of the ceramic material. These so-called dislocations, one-dimensional defects, run as straight or curved lines right through the crystal of the ceramic material and can be used as a channel, for example to incorporate oxygen or also to act as a brake for heat propagation. According to Xufei Fang, it has been possible to prove that these dislocations are also suitable for superconductivity or electrical charges, which makes them interesting for energy generation and a higher efficiency of fuel cells.

However, due to the brittleness of the material, it has so far been difficult to insert these channels into the ceramics in a planned manner. “This is the critical point of research and future dislocation technology”, says Xufei Fang. The MECERDIS project, which is now being funded, is intended to bring about crucial progress. The materials scientist is working on making the dislocations controllable and the ceramics more malleable at the same time. He wants to achieve this with a variety of methods, including electrical voltage, light irradiation, mechanical and thermal processes. The aim of his research is to create stable, selectively placeable plastic zones of millimetre dimensions with a high dislocation density. And inventing a novel ceramic material that does not deteriorate as quickly and has a higher fracture tolerance. “That would open up completely new application possibilities”, says the TU scientist with confidence.


With its personal honors and awards, the DGM wants to contribute to making excellent achievements in the field visible, but also to honor individuals and to promote promising young scientists.

This year, the awards ceremony took place during the DGM Day, which was held the day before MSE 2022 in Darmstadt on September 26, 2022.

Chukwudalu Okafor, Jürgen Rödel, and Xufei Fang won the 2nd prize with their contribution “Polycrystal SrTiO3 Galaxy”, and Alexander Frisch, Jürgen Rödel, and Xufei Fang won the 3rd prize with their contribution “Great White Heron „spotted“ on CaF2” in the Optical Microscopy category of the Ceramographic Competition 2022. The competition was hosted by the Basic Science Division of the American Ceramic Society and took place during the ACerS Annual Meeting at MS&T22 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.

Maohua Zhang met Dan Shechtman, who was awarded the 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the discovery of quasicrystals, at the 71st Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting 2022.

Take-home message from Dan: “If you happen to spot something strange and unexpected, do not let it disappear. Study and find out what it is”.
Take-home message from Dan: “If you happen to spot something strange and unexpected, do not let it disappear. Study and find out what it is”.

At a ceremony in the garden of Bellevue Palace on June 23, 2022, the Humboldt Foundation fellows, including NAW. Member Dr. Ahmad Sayyadishahraki , were received by German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

Up close and personal with the Federal President, NAW member Dr. Ahmad Sayyadishahraki.
Up close and personal with the Federal President, NAW member Dr. Ahmad Sayyadishahraki.

Dr. Xufei Fang (Athene Young Investigator) and colleagues have received the Robert W. Cahn Prize 2021 for the best paper award (out of 1335 papers in 2021) in Journal of Materials Science (Springer Publisher).

Dr. Xufei Fang (Athene Young Investigator) and colleagues have received the Robert W. Cahn Prize 2021.
Dr. Xufei Fang (Athene Young Investigator) and colleagues have received the Robert W. Cahn Prize 2021.

Kuan Ding was awarded by the German Ceramic Society (DKG) for the best poster presentation at the 97th DKG Annual Meeting (CERAMICS 2022). The jury awarded 1st price to the poster on “Dislocation and grain boundary interaction in oxides: slip transmission or cracking? ”.

Kuan Ding won 1st prize in the poster competition at the DKG Annual Meeting 2022
Kuan Ding won 1st prize in the poster competition at the DKG Annual Meeting 2022

At the Hans-Walter-Hennicke lecture competition 2022 of the German Ceramic Society, Maximilian Kissel won the 1st place for his presentation entitled “Inducing photoelectric effects with dislocations in oxide ceramic single crystal”. In the talk the results of his master thesis were presented, which was carried out in collaboration with Prof. Marin Alexe from the University of Warwick. The project dealt with photoelectric properties of dislocations in oxide ceramics were investigated, which turned out to be a highly interesting research field.

Maximilian Kissel won the Hans Walter Hennicke Prize 2022
Maximilian Kissel won the Hans Walter Hennicke Prize 2022

Highlights 2021

Andreas Wohninsland won the “ICAE Student Award” at the 6th International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials (ICAE 2021) for his presentation titled: “Correlating Enhanced Lattice Distortion with Volume Fraction of Polar Entities in Quenched Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3-BaTiO3 Ceramics“.

Xufei Fang, Tingting Zhu, Kuan Ding, and Atsutomo Nakamura won the 1st prize with their contribution “Hummingbird Plastically Imprinted” in the Scanning Probe Microscopy category of the Ceramographic Competition hosted by the Basic Science Division of the American Ceramic Society. The competition took place during the ACerS Annual Meeting at MS&T21 (Columbus, Ohio).

link to the second price

Oliver Preuß, Fangping Zhuo, Jürgen Rödel, and Xufei Fang won the 2nd prize with their contribution “Micro Domain City” in the Scanning Probe Microscopy category of the Ceramographic Competition hosted by the Basic Science Division of the American Ceramic Society. The competition took place during the ACerS Annual Meeting at MS&T21 (Columbus, Ohio).

Link to the 1st prize

  • 15.06.2021

Lukas Porz won the best poster award at the 2021 EMRS Spring Meeting. This was entitled: “Electrical conductivity in dislocation-tuned SrTiO3: A multiscale problem”.

Electrical conductivity in dislocation-tuned SrTiO3: A multiscale problem
Electrical conductivity in dislocation-tuned SrTiO3: A multiscale problem
  • 28.05.2021

Science published an article of the ceramics group with two other Darmstadt and three international groups on May, 28th. It reports a revolutionary new method of mechanically imprinting a dislocation structure into ferroelectrics resulting in a about 20-fold improvement in properties.

Related links:

Dr Marion Höfling examines a single crystal after successful mechanical deformation.

TU Latest News

Link to the paper

Mechanically imprinting atoms in ceramics “Science” publication by researchers led by TU Darmstadt
Mechanically imprinting atoms in ceramics “Science” publication by researchers led by TU Darmstadt
  • 11.05.2021

Mihail Slabki was awarded by the German Ceramic Society (DKG) for the best poster presentation at the DKG Annual Meeting 2021. The jury priced the poster on the “Temperature-dependent high-power electromechanical properties of Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3-BaTiO3 based composites ”, a recorded poster presentation, and the poster presentation during the meeting with the 1st place.

  • 21.04.2021

Professor Jürgen Rödel, head of the Department of Nonmetallic Inorganic Materials at the Institute of Materials Science at Darmstadt Technical University, has been awarded the Seger Plaque, the highest scientific honor bestowed by the German Ceramic Society (DKG). The DKG made the announcement at its annual meeting. Rödel's research includes nonmetallic inorganic materials, electrical fatigue in ferroelectric materials, lead-free piezoceramics, high-temperature piezoceramics and mechanical properties of ceramic materials. As part of the LOEWE priority FLAME, Rödel is working on the potential applications of antiferroelectric materials in energy technology.

  • 03.02.2021

The Division of Basic Research of the American Ceramic Society presented the Sapphire Award to Lukas Porz for his scientific and academic achievements and the high quality of his oral presentation on “Deforming polycrystalline ceramics by dislocation based plastic deformation” at the 122nd Annual Meeting combined with Materials Science & Technology 2020.

  • 23.01.2021

Maohua Zhang placed third in the Student Oral Competition at the Electronic Materials and Applications 2020 Conference. With the following topic: “Design of New Lead-Free Antiferroelectric (1-x)NaNbO3 -xSrSnO3 Compositions Guides by First-Principles Calculations.”

  • 23.01.2021

Andreas Wohninsland placed third in the student poster competition at the Electronic Materials and Applications 2020 Conference. With the topic: “Correlating structural changes to the volume fraction of polar nano regions in quenched Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3 ceramics.”

Highlights 2020

The highest endowed prize for young researchers at the TU, the Dr. Hans Messer Foundation, is awarded to Dr. Jurij Koruza.

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The most valuable prize for young researchers at the TU, the Dr. Hans Messer Foundation, this year will be given to Dr. Jurij Koruza from the Department of Materials and Geosciences. Dr. Koruza researches materials with special electrical properties that play an important role in the course of technology development and the energy transition.

The working group Non-Metallic-Inorganic Materials, in which the award winner Dr. Jurij Koruza researches lead-free piezoceramics, their application as energy storage and dislocation-based functionality of ceramic materials as well as their mechanical properties. Koruza's research focuses on three main areas, all of which deal with major trends in global energy development.

On the one hand, Koruza is researching environmentally friendly piezoelectrics – materials that change their shape due to electrical voltage – for ultrasonic motors and actuators. Due to the advancing miniaturization, these will play a major role in the future, for example in the fields of medical technology and humanoid robotics.

Link to TU News

The ECerS Electroceramics Network proudly bestow the 2020Electroceramics Young Researcher Award (EYRA) upon Lalitha Kodumudi Venkataraman for her contribution to the structural characterization and processing of new Bi-based piezoceramics.

This Award is given every two year, during the Electroceramics conference, in order to honour promising international young researchers in the field of Electroceramics.

2020 Electroceramics Young Researcher Award
2020 Electroceramics Young Researcher Award
  • 06.11.2020

Fangping Zhuo, Xufei Fang, Marion Höfling, Jurij Koruza, and Jürgen Rödel won 1st place in the Scanning Probe Microscopy category of the Ceramographic Competition 2020. Their contribution “Nanoindentation reveals the ”real face“ of BaTiO3” was awarded by the American Ceramic Society (ACerS) Basic Science Division.

“Nanoindentation reveals the ”real face“ of BaTiO3”
“Nanoindentation reveals the ”real face“ of BaTiO3”
  • 06.11.2020

At Ceramographic Competition, took place in November 2020, hosted by the Basic Science Division of the American Ceramic Society (ACerS). With his poster “Pacific Trillium as plastic zone of indented Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ)” Qaisar Muhammad won 2nd prize in the Scanning Electron Microscopy category.

Pacific Trillium als plastische Zone aus eingedrücktem Yttria-stabilisiertem Zirkonoxid (YSZ)
Pacific Trillium als plastische Zone aus eingedrücktem Yttria-stabilisiertem Zirkonoxid (YSZ)
  • 11.03.2020

300 participants presented new scientific results

This year's Electroceramics Conference took place from August 24th to 28th as an online event at the TU Darmstadt for the first time. The scientific directors of the conference were Professor Dr. Andreas Klein (Department of Electronic Structure of Materials) and Dr. Jurij Koruza (Department of Non-Metallic-Inorganic Materials).

Report in the MaWi News

Front from left to right: Professor Andreas Klein and Dr. Jurij Koruza with her Electroceramics XVII team.
Front from left to right: Professor Andreas Klein and Dr. Jurij Koruza with her Electroceramics XVII team.
  • 13.04.2020

Prof. Jürgen Rödel was elevated into the rank of fellow of the Materials Research Society. The Materials Research Society is the largest materials research society in the world. At this round of fellows in the first half of 2020 Prof. Rödel was the only one selected from Europe (otherwise 12 from US, 1 from Singapore, 1 from Seoul).

  • 09.03.2020

Jan Schultheiß was rewarded with the Acta Student Award for his publication “Revealing the sequence of switching mechanisms in polycrystalline ferroelectric/ferroelastic materials” (Acta Mater. 157, 355-363, 2018).

Highlights 2019

  • 11.12.2019

In December 2019, the first Ferroelectrics School organized by the IEEE-UFFCS took place at Tsinghua University, Beijing. Andreas Wohninsland attended this workshop and won the Third Price for his Presentation.

  • 09.12.2019

Athene Young Investigator and materials scientist Xufei Fang researches the improvement of ceramics and new applications.

To the “Latest Newes” Site

  • 03.12.2019

Jürgen Rödel received in Berlin the highest award of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde (Heyn commemorative medal).

  • 03.12.2019

Dr.-Ing. Jan Schultheiß received the Young Talent Award from the German Society for Materials Science (DGM) in November 2019.

  • 15.10.2019

Dr. Jan Schultheiß received the Global Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation Award from the American Ceramic Society (ACerS) in October 2019 for his work “Polarization reversal dynamics in polycrystalline ferroelectric / ferroelastic ceramic materials”.

  • 01.10.2019

The DGM thanks the resigning federal speaker and her deputy as well as the jDGM local group speakers present at the annual jDGM assembly in Dresden

After two years in office, we thank the outgoing Federal Speaker Marion Höfling and her deputy Uwe Arlic for their dedicated volunteer work.

In addition, the present jDGM spokesman, Manuel Best of the jDGM Darmstadt, Katharina Bollmann of the jDGM Saarbrücken, David Braun of the jDGM Karlsruhe, Michéle Scholl of the jDGM Jena, Uwe Arlic of the jDGM Clausthal and Florian Häslich of the jDGM Dresden for honored her persistent and passionate commitment.

Representatives of all members as well as the board and the junior committee were honored by the two DGM Presidents Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Mücklich from the University of Saarland and Dr. Oliver Schauerte of Volkswagen AG and Executive Board member Dr.-Ing. Frank O.R. Fischer hands over.

From 2020, Michéle Scholl, as a federal spokesperson, will represent the interests of the jDGM local groups on the DGM board.

  • 23.07.2019

Mihail Slabki belongs to the 10 winners of the “Student Paper Competition” at the Joint IEEE ISAF-ICE-EMF-IWPM-PFM conference in Lausanne 2019. He was awarded for his work on the “High-power electromechanical properties of Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3-BaTiO3 based composites”.

  • 19.06.2019

This programme by the DFG “enables outstanding researchers with a proven scientific track record to pursue exceptionally innovative, higher-risk projects”.

This scheme exists since 2008. Jürgen Rödel was in April 2019 the first scientist at TU Darmstadt to receive this type of funding (1.25 Mill. € plus overhead). He is now looking for excellent young scientists to embark in this project to complement a team of now four researchers. The project will create a completely new research field and avail dislocations in oxides for many new functionalities. (07.06.2019). Dislocation networks are envisaged to afford domain wall pinning (a), residual stress-based

  • 08.05.2019

Dr. Lalitha Kodumudi Venkataraman won second prize at the DKG Conference 2019 with her poster.

Highlights 2018

  • 24.10.2018

Yingwei Li, Marion Höfling, Peter Keil, and Jürgen Rödel won 1st place in the Optical Microscopy category of the Ceramographic Competition 2018. Their contribution “Hexagonal evolution of amphitheater-like lateral crack below Vickers indent in ZnO” was awarded by the ACerS Basic Science Division during the MS&T 2018 in Columbus OH.

  • 23.10.2018

Dr. Jan Schultheiß and Dr. Jurij Koruza received the Edward C. Henry Best Paper Award for the publication “Effect of degree of crystallographic texture on ferro- and piezoelectric properties of Ba0.85Ca0.15TiO3 piezoceramics” (J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 100 (5), 2098, 2017).

  • 20.10.2018

Jürgen Rödel was awarded the Sosman award of the American Ceramic Society (ACerS) in October 2018. This award is the highest honor bestowed by the basic science division of ACerS.

  • September 2018

Temperature-Dependent Evolution of Crystallographic and Domain Structures in (K,Na,Li)(Ta,Nb)O3 Piezoelectric Single Crystals Crystallographic structure and domain configurations determine the electromechanical performance of ferroelectric materials, while their temperature evolution directly determines the temperature operational range. The upper six images show the temperature evolution of the ferroelectric domain structure in a [001]PC-oriented single crystal of the lead-free piezoelectric (K,Na,Li)(Ta,Nb)O3, grown by the submergedseed solution technique. A transition from the lamellar orthorhombic to the rectangular tetragonal domain structure is revealed. Images were taken by in-situ transmission electron microscopy during heating. The domain evolution was corroborated by a high-temperature study of the lattice parameters (left bottom graph; obtained by X-ray diffraction) and dielectric permittivity (right bottom graph), revealing the phase transitions between orthorhombic (O), tetragonal (T), and cubic (C) phases.

  • August 2018

Prof. Rödel together with Prof. Jing-Feng Li from Tsinghua University, Beijing served as guest editors for the special issue of the mrs bulletin [8] 2018 on lead-free piezoceramics. The issue features 7 invited publications covering issues from legislation and materials to application.

  • 16.05.2018 – 17.05.2018

Prof. Rödel leds the international evaluation of materials science at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan (2nd Best Technical University of China) on 16 and 17 May (Fig.1 ). After having visited internships (Fig. 2 ) and many discussions, Prof. Rödel gives the final report to the Vice President and the colleagues of the School of Materials Science and Engineering (Fig. 3 ).

  • 11.05.2018

Peter Keil's “Piezotronic Tuning of Potentail Barriers in ZnO Bicrystal” poster received the Best Poster Award at the 4th International Conference on Nanogenerators and Piezotronics in Seoul.

  • 10.04.2018

Marion Höfling (th.o.l.) won 2nd place at the Hans Walter Hennicke Competition of the DKG

  • 28.01.2018

Dr. Till Frömling received the title page for his publication “Designing properties of (Na1/2 Bx) TiO3-based materials through A-site non-stoichiometry” in the Journal of Materials Chemistry C.

Highlights 2017

  • 14.12.2017

Mihail Slabki (f. o. r.) and Marion Höfling (s. o. r.) received for their master theses the MaWi-Prize 2017, the yearly prize awarded to the best students who graduate with honors. Bild: PD Dr. B. Kastening

  • 03.08.2017

Haibo Zhang was presented with the best paper award in J. Eur. Ceramic Society at the meeting in Budapest in July 2017.

  • 12.07.2017

Jürgen Rödel was named specially appointed professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology for the period form 2017-2020.

The picture was taken at the appointment by general director Masu; it also shows JR’s host, Masaki Azuma.

  • 17.05.2017

Jürgen Rödel visited the president of the NSFC (analogue to DFG), Prof. Yang Wei in May in Beijing and discussed the research policy with respect to publications with him.

Yang Wei noted that China now contributes 20 % to the publications worldwide of the Nature Group.

  • 29.05.2017

Jan Schultheiß received the “Student Poster Competition Gold Award” at the Joint IEEE ISAF-IWATMD-PFM Conference in Atlanta 2017.

  • 24.05.2017

Jürgen Rödel was awarded the title honorary professor by president Zhang (picture) at the University of Science and Technology, Beijing (USTB). USTB places in the TOP 5 in China in Materials Science.

  • 04.04.2017

Dr. Jurij Koruza (s.f.th.r.) qualified for the Postdoc Career Program of the TU to promote young academics.

  • 15.02.2017

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation allows Dr. Satyanarayan Patel and Dr. Lalitha Venkataraman a research stay in the group of ​​Prof. Dr. Rödel at the TU Darmstadt.

Highlights 2016

  • 14.12.2016

Lukas Riemer received for his master thesis entitled “Phase stability of lead-free relaxor ferroelectric/semiconductor composites” the MaWi-Prize 2016, the yearly prize awarded to the best students who graduate with honors.

For his master thesis about “dendrites in solid electrolytes?” done in cooperation with Prof. Yet-Ming Chiang of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lukas Porz received a Graduate Student Presentation Award on the MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit 2016 and was awarded with the special prize of the House of Energy of the state Hesse.

  • 25.08.2016

Jürgen Rödel received the 2016 Ferroelectrics Recognition Award presented by the IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control Society at the ISAF /ECAPD/PFM conference at Darmstadt in August 2016.

Jan Schultheiß, Florian Weyland and Peter Keil belong to the 12 winners of the “Student Poster Competition” at the 2016 Joint IEEE ISAF, ECAPD, PFM conference. Peter Keil was awarded with a financial gift and a certificate for his work on “Mechanistic insight into varistor piezotronics using doped ZnO bicrystals“, Jan Schultheiß for “Effect of texturing on the polarization switching dynamics in ferroelectric ceramics” and Florian Weyland for “Criticality: Boost of piezoelectric and electrocaloric properties”.

  • 04.08.2016

Jürgen Rödel was appointed as „distinguished guest professor“ at Tsinghua University in Beijing on July 26th, 2016.

Tsinghua is the best technical University in China and holds about rank 40 in the world amongst all universities.

  • 23.06.2016

Dr. In-Tae Seo´s research field is the correlation between defect structure and piezoelectric properties of ceramics.

As controlling the defect structure, the various electric properties of piezoelectric ceramics can be achieved. For example, he can make the oxygen ion conductor using the ceramics with high oxygen vacancy concentration. Another example is that he can get the enhanced piezoelectric properties by decreasing the defect concentration or making defect couple.

For these defect structure control, I investigate the A site non-stoichiometry and acceptor doping in NBT-BT ceramics which is most famous lead-free piezoelectric material.

  • 09.03.2016

Florian Weyland received the Hans-Walter Hennicke price 2016 of the German Ceramic Society e.V. during the annual student competition. Lukas Porz received the second prize in 2017.

  • 09.02.2016

Matias Acosta was awarded with a price for his outstanding academical achievements during 2015. This price is given by the Registered Association of Friends of the Technische Universität Darmstadt once per year to the best doctoral dissertation of each department of the Technische Universität Darmstadt.

Highlights 2015

  • 30.11.2015

Dr. Ing. Matias Acosta obtained the “Dean´s Prize for Excellence in Research” for the best doctoral dissertation of the Materials Science Department in 2015.

  • November 2015

The cover of the Journal of the American Ceramic Society (Issue 11, Volume 98) was given to the work M. Acosta, L. A. Schmitt, L. Molina-Luna, M. C. Scherrer, M. Brilz, K. G. Webber, M. Deluca, H. J. Kleebe, J. Rödel, and W. Donner, “Core-shell lead-free piezoelectric ceramics: current status and advanced characterization of the Bi1/2Na1/2TiO3-SrTiO3 system”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 98 [11] 3405–3422 (2015).

  • 05.10.2015

H. Liu, M. Acosta, A. Zintler, J. Koruza, L. Molina-Luna, P. Veber, E. A. Patterson, M. Maglione, and J. Rödel obtained the award to the best ceramography in the optical microscopy category of the American Ceramic Society for the study of the domain morphology in [111]PC oriented (K,Na,Li)(Nb,Ta)O3 single crystals observed via polarized light microscopy.

  • 16.09.2015

David Brandt has with his lecture of “Ferro Elastic behavior and exceptional blocking force of unleaded BZT-BCT” on 09/16/2015 at “Look through the talents” within the material weeks of the German Society for Materials Research e.V. reached the second place. This work was referring to a paper he had written as a student assistant at NAW. The price includes a book by Springer-Verlag and 200 € free for products of Springer-Verlag.

  • 28.06.–03.07.15

Lukas Porz was invited to the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting 2015 and had the chance to interact with 65 Nobel Laureates.
Each year about 650 young scientists get the opportunity to spend one week in close contact to the Nobel Laureates. Their mission is to educate, inspire and connect some of the most promising scientist from almost 90 countries during this week. It is a great opportunity to build a global network as the photo with Nobel Laureate and former energy minister of the USA Professor Steven Chu demonstrates.

  • 01.06.2015

Kyle Webber recently accepted a professorship (W2) in the Materials Science Department, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Since June 1, he leads the Functional Ceramics Group in the Institute of Glass and Ceramics.

  • 28.01.2015

Mr. Matias Acosta came up with an idea to improve human welfare. He thought on a minimally invasive surgical device with a broad range of functionalities based on lead-free piezoelectric technology. His multidisciplinary team is comprehended by Mr. Salloum (mechanical engineering) and Mr. Burg (economics and computer science). With help from several professional in the Materials Science department, Highest, and students Mr. Höler, Mr. Benz, Mr. Sprey, Mr. Hassanzadeh, and Mr. Porz the idea is becoming a start-up project. Recently, the idea was awarded with the second best idea (ideenwettbewerb competition) of the Technical University of Darmstadt from 2014.

Highlights 2014

  • 24.10.2014

Prof. Rödel was named guest professor with Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan for the time from 2014 – 2017. The image depicts the award ceremony with the vice-president of HUST at right.

  • 04.07.2014

David Brandt receives for his undergraduate thesis entitled “Electromechanical Characterization of the (1-x) Ba (Zr0.2Ti0.8) O3-x (Ba0.7Ca0.3) TiO3 Lead-Free Piezoelectric Ceramic System” one of the MaWi-prices in 2014. The price will go to those students who have achieved a degree (Bachelor / Master) with distinction in the last completed study half.

  • 16.05.2014

Matias Acosta was awarded the “best poster prize” for his work on “Characterization of (1-x)Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3-x(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 for large signal actuator applications” at the Joint IEEE 2014 International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectric, International Workshop on Acoustic Transduction Materials and Devices & Workshop on Piezoresponse Force Microscopy in United States. The poster by Matias Acosta was ranked 1st out of more than 150 posters submitted and thus received a poster award with financial gift and certificate.

  • 08.05.2014

The association of Friends of the University of Technology Darmstadt e.V. announced the awardees of the 2014 prize for excellent scientific contributions on May 7. For the faculty of materials- and geosciences, Dr. Robert Dittmer was chosen to receive the award for his dissertation “Lead-Free Piezoceramics – Ergodic and Nonergodic Relaxor Ferroelectrics Based on Bismuth Sodium Titanate” ( http://tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/3621/ ). Dr. Robert Dittmer was a graduate student at NAW from 2009 to 2013 and received his PhD in June 2013 with the grade summa cum laude. The award is coupled with a grant for the work group that supervised the awarded dissertation. Currently, the association has 2500 personal members and 100 company members, supporting science and research at the TU Darmstadt with approximately 100.000 EUR.

Highlights 2013

  • 20.11.2013

On the evening of 20.11.13, Prof. Jürgen Rödel was elected vice-president for the research department at the university meeting. His term of office was 3 years from 01.01.14 to 31.12.16

  • 18.12.2013

Heide Humburg received the prize for best M.Sc. student in 2013 during an award ceremony on Dec. 18th.
Her talk was on:
“Effect of Dopingon the Piezoelectric Properties of (Ba1-xCax)(ZryTi1-y)O3

Dr. Robert Dittmer was awarded for his PhD thesis entitled ”Lead-Free Piezoceramics – Ergodic and Nonergodic Relaxor Ferroelectrics Based on Bismuth Sodium Titanate". The award comprises the participation at the Materials Science and Engineering conference, which is organized by the DGM from September 23-25 in Darmstadt.

  • 17.12.2013

Matias Acosta was awarded the “best poster prize” for his work on
“Temperature and Frequency Dependent Properties of the
Bi1/2Na1/2TiO3-25SrTiO3 Lead-free Incipient Piezoceramic”
at the ICAE 2013 in South Korea.
The poster by Matias Acosta was ranked 12th out of more than 800 posters submitted and thus received a poster award with financial gift and certificate.

  • 21.11.2013

Prof. Rödel was elected to the German Academy of Engineering Sciences (acatach) on November 21.

  • 31.10.2013

Nina Balke (PhD 2006 at NAW) receives the Robert L. Coble Award for Young Scholars

  • 06.06.2013

Haibo Zhang is greeted by the President of Germany, Gauck, and the President of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Prof. Schwarz in front of Schloss Bellevue, Gauck’s residence, in Berlin.

  • 23.05.2013

The German Materials Science Society (DGM) decided to honor Mr. Robert Dittmer with the DGM Award for Young Scientists 2013. The prize was awarded during the DGM day in Bochum and is connected with a voucher of 500 EUR for participation at DGM events. Since 1994 the DGM Award for young scientists is given to researches below the age of 33 who perform non-profit research in the field of materials science. Robert Dittmer excelled by a distinguished research performance on functional ceramics as demonstrated by 15 publications and one patent application.

  • Jan. 2013

Dr. Kyle Webber was awarded an Emmy Noether-Program from the DFG.
Dr. Kyle Webber has received funding from the DFG through the Emmy Noether-Program to establish a Young Scientist Research Group within the Materials Science Department, Technische Universität Darmstadt. This project will focus on the mechanical properties of perovskite oxides.

  • 24.01.2013

Robert Dittmer is awarded the publication prize of the Integrated Research Training Group in Collaborative Research Center 595. The award was presented at the general assembly by Prof. Dr. Andreas Klein presents. The publication award recognizes excellent publication achievements as part of the doctoral program. His previous publications as first author also include essays in prestigious journals, such as Acta Materialia, Journal of Applied Physics or Advanced Functional Materials.

  • Jan. 2013

Wook Jo comes to places 1 & 2 in the “Listing of the Most Cited Articles in 2012” Published in Journal of Applied Physics
Evolving morphotropic phase boundary in leadfree (Bi1/2Na1/2)TiO3-BaTiO3 piezoceramics; Wook Jo, John E. Daniels, Jacob L. Jones, Xiaoli Tan, Pamela A. Thomas, Dragan Damjanovic, and Jürgen Rödel; J. Appl. Phys. 109, 014110 (2011); 50 citations
On the phase identity and its thermal evolution of lead free (Bi1/2Na1/2)TiO3-6 mol% BaTiO3; Wook Jo, Silke Schaab, Eva Sapper, Ljubomira A. Schmitt, Hans-Joachim Kleebe, Andrew J. Bell, and Jürgen Rödel; J. Appl. Phys. 110, 074106 (2011); 39 citations
Inelastic hosts as electrodes for high-capacity lithium-ion batteries; Kejie Zhao, Matt Pharr, Joost J. Vlassak, and Zhigang Suo; J. Appl. Phys. 109, 016110 (2011); 36 citations
Increase in photocurrent by optical transitions via intermediate quantum states in direct-doped InAs/GaNAs strain-compensated quantum dot solar cell; Yoshitaka Okada, Takayuki Morioka, Katsuhisa Yoshida, Ryuji Oshima, Yasushi Shoji, Tomoya Inoue, and Takashi Kita; J. Appl. Phys. 109, 024301 (2011); 34 citations

Highlights 2012

  • 11.10.2012

Robert Dittmer, PhD student at NAW, won the scanning probe microscopy section within the ceramographic contest of the American Ceramic Society. The contest was held during this year’s MS&T conference in Pittsburgh (PA, USA). His poster, entitled “Nanoscale Insight Into Lead-Free Piezoceramics”, deals with the local electromechanical properties of bismuth sodium titanate based ceramics assessed by means of piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM). The PFM study was conducted in collaboration with the Center for Nanophase Materials Science at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Oak Ridge, TN, USA).

Highlights 2011

  • 17.10.2011

ACerS decided to give the Robert L. Coble Award 2011 for young scholars to Dr Olivier Guillon. The award ceremony will take place on October 17, 2011, in Columbus, Ohio in the course of the 113th annual meeting of ACerS.

  • 11.09.2011

Dr. Olivier Guillon will be awarded the FEMS Materials Science and Technology Prize. The award ceremony will take place during the EUROMAT conference from September 11 to September 15, 2011, in Montpellier, France.

  • 14.06.2011

The executive commitee of the german association for material science (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde, DGM) decided, to award the Masing-Gedächtnispreiss 2010 to Olivier Guillon for his outstanding scientific work. The award ceremony will take place at the DGM-Tag, (14.06. – 16.06.2011) in Dresden.

Highlights 2010

  • 16.11.2010

The Collaborative Research Center 595 (Sonderforschungsbereich, SFB 595) on electrical fatigue in functional materials has been funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) since January, 2003. The third and last possible project phase for the years 2011 until 2014 has been under review since May 2010. After detailed examination of the proposal 2011-2014 and on-site survey in Darmstadt on June, 22 and 23, 2010, the proposal was accepted. SFB 595 will be funded by DFG with 8 million Euro for another period of 4 years.

Highlights 2008

  • 04.12.2008

The Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis 2009 is awarded to Prof. Dr. Jürgen Rödel, TU Darmstadt, by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). He is the fifth member of TU Darmstadt within the last 30 years who recieves this award. For further informations see DFG press release number 67. The ceremony will take place on March 30, 2009. .