CO2 Conversion

Emissions as Resources

Plasma assisted mixed ionic-electronic conducting (MIEC) ceramic membranes for CO2 conversion Image: TU-Darmstadt MR
Plasma assisted mixed ionic-electronic conducting (MIEC) ceramic membranes for CO2 conversion Image: TU-Darmstadt MR

Increasing CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is a major driving force of the climate change. Finding techniques allowing to make use of this emission is key to control the climate change. In this regard, we are developing new perovskite-type oxygen transport membranes ABO3–x used in a CO2 conversion plasma to separate oxygen radicals from carbon containing species. The direct combination of production and separation process improves the sustainability of the process, since it uses the waste heat of the CO2 conversion process for the separation process and improves the conversion by continuous extraction of the side product. Additionally, if the plasma is fueled with renewable electrical energy this process can be used to stabilize the electrical power grid. The key task for us is to find membranes which can withstand these drastic conditions and maintain a high oxygen permeation rate due to intrinsic self-regeneration mechanisms. Additionally, the plasma-based CO2 conversion process allows for a combination with the utilization of “green” hydrogen to form methanol as a hydrogen carrier, CO2-neutral fuel, or C1 platform chemical.

In order to enable highly selective oxygen permeability in oxides mixed ionic-electronic conductivity needs to be established by proper doping. The concept of Fermi level engineering studied in the Collaborative Research Center 1548 “FLAIR” is helpful for this purpose to predict how the response of e.g., 3d transition metal doped Ba2In2O5 on a specific dopant will be and in which oxidation state the dopant is existing in the final material. Additionally, the investigation of the changes of the Fermi level might allow for further insights into the interaction/adsorption of CO2 and water to the membrane surface.