Top-Story of Elettra Synchrotron Trieste
Batteries – Interfacial chemical reactions and stability in 5V Lithium Ion Cells

Our research published recently in demonstrates a high stability of LiCoPO4 tailored with LiCo2P3O10 (LCP-LCPO) as cathode material for Li-ion batteries upon electrochemical cycling to 5.1 V vs. Li+/Li. In contrast, the MoO3 coating layer on the top of the LCP−LCPO cathode undergoes chemical reactions with the electrolyte resulting in leaching of the oxide layer. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
This work was selected as of the TOP-STORY. Elettra Synchrotron Source
G. Cherkashinin, R. Eilhardt, S. Nappini, M. Cococcioni, I. Píš, S. dal Zilio, F. Bondino, N. Marzari, E. Magnano, and L. Alff
Energy Level Alignment at the Cobalt Phosphate/Electrolyte Interface: Intrinsic Stability vs Interfacial Chemical Reactions in 5 V Lithium Ion Batteries
doi: 10.1021/acsami.1c16296
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 14, 543-556 (2022)