
Focused Ion Beam Microscopy: Basics and Applications

Content: The focused ion beam (FIB) microscope has gained widespread use in materials science over the last several years and has become an indispensable tool for materials characterization and micromachining. This lecture will cover the basics and applications of focused ion beam microscopy relevant for materials science: (a) ion sources, (b) ion optics, (c) ion-solid interaction, (d) ion milling, sputtering and deposition, (e) scanning ion microscopy, (f) simulation of the transport of ions in matter, and (g) applications including focused ion beam lithography and micromachining.

FIB Lamelle

Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy for Materials Science

Content: Electron probes of atomic dimensions are nowadays available in modern (scanning) transmission electron microscopes and make possible the efficient realization of incoherent imaging. The incoherent image uses high angle scattering which leads to strong atomic number (Z) contrast, and also makes simultaneous electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) possible from single atomic columns selected from the image. In the quest for higher resolution to understand the atomic origins of materials properties, incoherent imaging appears to hold substantial advantages. This lecture will cover the (a) physical principles of incoherent imaging, (b) the electron Ronchigram,(c) spherical aberration correction, (d) the spectrum imaging technique, (e) energy loss near-edge structures, (f) simulation and interpretation of Z-contrast images, (g) advanced techniques involving STEM and (h) applications for nanostructure characterization and materials science.