Dr.-Ing. Enrico Bruder


work +49 6151 16-20552
fax +49 6151 16-20555

Work L2|01 58
Peter- Grünberg-Straße 2
64287 Darmstadt

- Interactions between microstructure parameters and fatigue properties in ultrafine grained metals

- Deformation mechanisms in ultra-fine gradient structures

- Influence of the deformation texture on the thermal stability of ultra-fine grained metals

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  • {{ year }}

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      {{ publication.title }}.
      In: {{ publication.series }}, {{ publication.volume }}, In: {{ publication.book_title }}, In: {{ publication.publication }}, {{ publication.journal_volume}} ({{ publication.number }}), ppp. {{ publication.pagerange }}, {{ publication.place_of_pub }}, {{ publication.publisher }}, {{ publication.institution }}, {{ publication.event_location }}, {{ publication.event_dates }}, ISSN {{ publication.issn }}, e-ISSN {{ publication.eissn }}, ISBN {{ publication.isbn }}, {{ labels[publication.type]?labels[publication.type]:publication.type }}
    • […]

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