Research orientation: materials science and advanced materials for renewable energy technology, interfaces of functional materials and devices as thin film solar cells, (photo)electrochemical devices, intercalation batteries, and semiconductor heterostructures
since 1997: research grants financed by DFG, BMBF, BMWi, EC, and VW-foundation
More than 460 papers in international peer review journals (if you are interested, please ask for additional information),
among these are 8 invited review articles, 9 patents
H-factor (web of science): 55
There have been numerous invited and submitted talks and contributions in International and National Conferences and lectures given at German and foreign research institutions
Supervisor of 50 Ph-D Dissertations and of about 50 Diploma/master theses
Excellency Initiative:
Graduate School on Energy Science and Engineering (2012): Speaker and Coordinator
Cluster Smart Interfaces (2007) PI
2014 – present
Initiator and Speaker of the BMBF Coordinative Research Project “Perovskite Solar Cells”
2012 – present
German Excellency Initiative: Initiator, Coordinator and Speaker of the Graduate School “Energy Science and Engineering”
2012 – present
Initiator, and Vice Dean of Newly Developed Master-Study “Energy Science and Engineering”
2012 – present
Initiator and Speaker of the DFG priority program 1613 “Solar H2”
2009 – present
Member of the BMBF Research Center within the Innovation Lab “Organic Electronics” in Heidelberg
2008 – present
Member and head of the scientific board of the European network FAME/EMMI on advanced composite materials
2008 – 2013
Initiator and Speaker of the BMBF Coordinative Project: p-i-n solar cells
2008 – 2012
German Excellency Initiative: PI of the cluster “smart interfaces”
2008 – 2011
Initiator and Speaker of the BMBF Coordinative Research Project “OPV-Hybrid”
2008 – 2012
German Excellency Initiative: PI of the cluster “smart interfaces”
2003 – 2010
Codirector of the center of excellence (DFG-SFB): Electric fatigue of functional materials
2002 – 2005
Initiator and Speaker of the Volkswagen Foundation Coordinative project “Silicon-organic pigment hybrid solar cells”
2019 – present
Member of the Scientific Board of Energy Research, KIT Karlsruhe
2014 – present
Member of the Int. Scientific Board of EMIL/DOMINO IAC I of HZB Berlin
2012 – present
Member of the Int. Scientific Board of IMRA-Europe
1993– 1997
Member of the Executive Board of the Hahn-Meitner-Institute
1993– 1995
Vice Chairman of the Executive Board, Hahn-Meitner-Institute
1993– 1996
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the synchrotron source BESSY
Organizer of the International Bunsen-Discussion-Meeting : (Photo)electrolysis and Energy Storage 4/2019
Co-Organizer Darmstadt Symposium « The Great Transition – critical materials»
TU Darmstadt, DGM, EIT Raw Materials, Fraunhofer
Organizer of the NanoGe conference: SolarFuels15, 3/2015, 11/2018
Guest Professor Uni Bordeaux, France, 9/2013
Guest Professor ICMCB/CNRS, Bordeaux, France 6/2012
Guest Professor JCAP, CALTECH, USA, 8/2012
Speaker of the TU Darmstadt Research Cluster “New Materials”
Cofounder and speaker of the TU Darmstadt Energy Center
Cofounder and Member of the executive board of MATFORM (Material science technology transfer organisation of TUD) and Materials Valley e. V. (virtual material research center of university and industry of the Rhein-Main valley)
Former Chairman of the research foundation ESQSEC (European Society for Quantum Solar Energy Conversion), Organizer und coorganizer of „Quantsol“-meetings
Vice-chairman and cofounder of PV-University-Net
Visiting Professor: The University of Tokyo, Department of Chemistry, Prof. Saiki 2004
Visiting Professor: Californian Institute of Technology, Department of Chemistry,
Prof. N. Lewis, USA, 2004
Referee for the National Science Foundation (DFG), Humboldt foundation, DAAD Germany, DOE, USA, NSF Switzerland, National Cluster Initiatives
Referee for a number of scientific journals: Physical Review B, Journal of Applied Physics, Surface Science, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft, Thin Solid Films, physica status solidi, etc.
Member of the Deutsche Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie (Physical Chemistry), the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (Physics), Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (Chemistry), German Materials Science
Coorganizer of Symposia of the Electrochemical Society 2003 and 2005, Organizer of Bunsenkolloquium „Electrochemical Interfaces“
JSPS Visiting Research and Lecture Fellowship Feb.- April, 1996 (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)
2016 – present
Co-speaker TU Darmstadt Research Center “Energy Science and engineering”
2010 – 2016
Speaker of TU Darmstadt Research Cluster “New Materials” (one of the 5 main research areas of TU Darmstadt)
2006/5 – 2009/5
Dean Department of Materials and Geo-Sciences, TU Darmstadt
2003 – 2006
Study-Dean Department of Materials, TU Darmstadt
1997/5 – present
Full Professor, Department of Materials Science, TU Darmstadt, Germany
1994/1 – 1997/5
Head of the Division of Interface Science, Hahn-Meitner-Institute (National Research Institute) Germany
1987/5 – 1994/1
Head of the Research Group of Interface Science in the Division of Solar Energy Conversion, Head Prof. Tributsch, Hahn-Meitner-Institute
1986/4 – 1987/5
Visiting Research Scientist, DuPont Experimental Station, Cr&D E. I. duPont de Nemours & Co, Wilmington, USA
1981/11 – 1986/3
Research Scientist, Division of Solar Energy Conversion, Head Prof. H. Tributsch, Hahn-Meitner-Institute
1978/10 – 1981/8
Scientific Research Assistent, Department of Chemistry, Head Prof. A. Mueller, University of Bielefeld, Germany
13. Jan. 1993
Habilitation: FU Berlin for Physical Chemistry Topic: Interfaces of Semiconducting Metal Chalcogenides
1978/2 – 1981/10
Doctor of Chemistry, University of Bielefeld, Germany in Inorganic Chemistry with Prof. A. Mueller Topic: Investigation of Structural, Electronic, and Dynamic Properties of Transition Metal Complexes with S-Containing Ligands Degree: Excellent
1977/6 – 1978/2
Diploma Degree in Chemistry, University of Dortmund, Germany Degree: Excellent
1972/10 – 1977/6
Studies of Chemistry Technical Chemistry and Physics, University of Dortmund, Germany
Volksschule (primary school):
Volksschule Dortmund-Aplerbeck and Lichtendorf April 1960 to March 1964
Friedrich-Bährens-Gymnasium, Schwerte, Germany April 1964 to Abitur 16. Mai 1972
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