Prof. Dr. Jan Philipp Hofmann

Working area(s)

Surface Science Laboratory


work +49 6151 16-20779
fax +49 6151 16-20771

Work L2|02 C406
Peter-Grünberg-Straße 4
64287 Darmstadt

04.2020-present Full professor (W3) for Surface Science at Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany, Department of Materials and Earth Sciences
10.2015-11.2015 Research affiliate Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Physical Biosciences Division, California, USA with Dr. Heinz Frei: time-resolved in-situ FTIR spectroscopy on materials for Solar Fuels production
11.2014-03.2020 Scientific member of MCEC (Netherlands Center for Multiscale Catalytic Energy Conversion, research on Solar Fuels Catalysis, focus on in-situ spectroscopy on model systems for photoelectrochemical water splitting
02.2014-03.2020 FOM – Stichting voor Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie – university research group leader: research on earth-abundant photoabsorber and electrocatalyst materials for solar energy conversion (water splitting and CO2 reduction), focused on layered, thin film and 2D materials
05.2013-03.2020 Assistant professor (tenured 05.2016) for Inorganic Materials Chemistry with Prof. Dr. ir. Emiel Hensen (TU Eindhoven, NL). Focus areas: preparation, (in-situ) characterization and mechanistic studies on materials for heterogeneous catalysis, chemical energy conversion and “Solar Fuels Catalysis”; method development for synchrotron-based in-situ and operando spectroscopy and scattering towards structure-activity relations in heterogeneous (photo, electro) catalysis
03.2011-04.2013 Postdoctoral researcher with Prof. Dr. ir. Bert M. Weckhuysen (Utrecht University, NL), DFG Forschungsstipendium (Ho4579/1-1): “Fundamental Studies on Catalyst Deactivation and Corrosion Phenomena under Biomass Feed and the Interaction with Polar Biomass-Derived Molecules”
01.2010-02.2011 Postdoctoral researcher with Prof. Dr. Herbert Over (JLU Gießen), joint BMBF project with Bayer MaterialScience: “Resource Efficiency in Chlorine Production”,
model catalysis and atmospheric pressure reaction experiments on HCl oxidation (Deacon Process) over RuO2 (model, technical) catalysts
01.2006-12.2009 PhD student with Prof. Dr. Herbert Over (JLU Gießen) focused on the chlorination of RuO2(110) model catalysts and reactivity / selectivity of RuO2-xClx(110) in the CO oxidation reaction, PhD thesis title: “Structural Dynamics of Chlorinated Ruthenium Dioxide Model Catalysts under Reaction Conditions
02.2005-07.2005 Diploma thesis at Roskilde Universitetscenter, Roskilde, Denmark, “Synthesis and Structural Characterisation of 3-Acyltetronic Acids”, Supervisors: Prof. Fritz Duus (Roskilde), Prof. Dr. Peter R. Schreiner (Gießen)
10.2001-12.2005 Studies in chemistry (diploma) at Justus-Liebig-Universität (JLU) Gießen, Germany
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