Ferroic Cooling
Design of electrocaloric multilayer cooling elements with the help of multi-scale modeling

By combining relaxor ferroelectrics that provide a significant electrocaloric capacitywith thermal switches consisting of ferroelectric materials with tunable thermal conductivity cooling devices can be build, which do not require the motion of solid or fluid parts.

Both, continuum scale and atomistic simulations are planned to support the materials design and to optimize the cooling performance of the multilayer stacks.

On the continuum level, finite element modeling will be carried out to study the transient heat conduction in refrigerators.

Novelties of the FE simulations include domain-structure-based calculation of the EC heat generation/absorption, consideration of thermal switch layer with tunable conductivity, and atomistic-simulation-based interface conduction model. Besides, the FE modeling is readily to be coupled with electrostatics and mechanics. In the conceptual design and numerical optimizations geometric parameters such as layers thickness and electrode configurations will be investigated. On the atomic scale characteristic materials parameters will be calculated. We will explore the relation between the ECE and the relaxor behaviorof \NBT \, and \BST \, and continue with the development of model Hamiltonians that allow for quantitativepredicitions. The goal is to have model systems with different levels of sophistication and efficiency (Ising-type, Landau-type andab-initio based) available to systematically study the key factors affecting the ECE in electrocaloric materials. A new aspect will be the modelling of interfaces between the electrocaloric material and the thermal switches.

AZ: AL 578/16-2

Project period: March 2017 – December 2020

Subproject of: SPP 1599 Caloric Effects in Ferroic Materials: New Concepts for Cooling.


Research Assistant

Dr.-Ing. Arne Jan Klomp


work +49 6151 16-21892

Work L6|01 209
Otto-Berndt-Str. 3
64206 Darmstadt

Project Leader

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Karsten Albe

Head of Research Group


work +49 6151 16-21900
fax +49 6151 16-20965

Work L6|01 211
Postfach 10 06 36
Otto-Berndt-Str. 3
64206 Darmstadt
