Energy conversion and storage are challenging tasks in material science. Our focus is on interface phenomena in all-solid-state battery materials, photovoltaic absobers and solid state refrigeration. We are using electronic structure calculations in connection with thermodynamic concepts to predict electronic, thermodynamic and kinetic phenomena at interfaces and interphases.
We are currently working on the following topics:
- Effective energy storage is closely connected with the development of powerful electrode materials, electrolytes and additives on the material level.
In the context of all-solid-state batteries we are working on the computational design of new solid electrolytes and stable interfaces to novel electrode masterials. - Photovoltaics (PV) is the conversion of light into electricity using semiconducting materials that exhibit the photovoltaic effect. We are using computational modelling in order to understand the influence of intrinsic defects, dopants, dislocations and grain boundaries on the device performance of thin film solar cells.
- Refrigeration is one of the main sinks of electric energy consumption and massively contributes to worldwide CO2 emissions. We are working on the computational design of novel solid refigerants exhibiting elasto-, baro- and electro-caloric effects.