Prof. Dr. Bai-Xiang Xu
Working area(s)
work +49 6151 16-21906
fax +49 6151 16-21034
L6|01 419
Otto-Berndt-Straße 3
Education and positions
- 08/2011-present: Head of the research group Mechanics of Functional Materials, Department of Materials and Geosciences, TU Darmstadt, Germany
- 2023-2028: Guest professor at Central South University, School of Civil Engineering, Changsha, China
- 08/2010-07/2011: Postdoctoral Researcher, Chair of Applied Mechanics, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany
- 08/2008-07/2010: Alexander von Humboldt Posdoctoral Scholarship, Institute of Solid Mechanics, TU Darmstadt, and Chair of Applied Mechanics, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany
- 05/2008: Ph.D. (Boshi) in Solid Mechanics, Peking University, China
- 12/2005-11/2007: Daimler und Benz Scholarship, Institute of Solid Mechanics, TU Darmstadt, Germany
- 10/2002-07/2008: Graduate Research Assistant at Peking University, China
- 07/2002: B.Sc. in Solid Mechanics, Hohai University, Nanjing, China
Prizes and Awards
- 2015: Adolf Messer-Prize, Adolf Messer Foundation, Germany
- 2010: Nomination Award of The National Excellent Ph.D Thesis of China
- 2008: Postdoctoral Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
- 2005: Fellowship of the Daimler- und Benz-Stiftung Foundation
- 2004: Scholarship of The Kwang-Hua Educational Foundation, Taiwan
- 2002: Honored Graduate of the University, Hohai University, Nanjing, China
Further Activities
- Member of Scientific Council to the President, TU Darmstadt, Germany (2024 – 2026)
- Member of the Editorial Board for the
- Member of
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