JEMS 2025 in Frankfurt

JEMS 2025 will be held 24 – 29 Aug 2025 in Frankfurt


The Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS) is the most important and comprehensive conference on Magnetism in Europe. JEMS2025 will take place from 24 to 29 August 2025 in Frankfurt. Prof. Oliver Gutfleisch (Functional Materials group, speaker of CRC/TRR 270 HoMMage at TU Darmstadt) and Prof. Lambert Alff (Advanced Thin Film Technology group, PI of CRC/TRR 270 HoMMage) will chair and co-chair the conference, respectively.

Members of the programme committee are Dr. Gaspare Varvaro (Institute for Structure of Matter or the Italian National Research Council (ISM-CNR)), Prof. Karin Everschor-Sitte (University Duisburg-Essen, PI of CRC/TRR 270) and Prof. Thomas Schrefl (University of Krems).