From Monarch Butterflies to Cutting-Edge Innovation
New publication

Related to our GRK 2761 LokoAssist and the CRC/TRR270, we published in Advanced Intelligent Systems an article on “Bioinspired Design, Fabrication, and Wing Morphing of 3D Printed Magnetic Butterflies”, in cooperation with the group of Denys Makarov at Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. Inspired by monarch butterflies, this study develops 3D-printed magnetic butterflies that replicate wing-morphing behavior using a composite of thermoplastic polyurethane and magnetic powder. By fabricating 84 lightweight specimens with varying designs via powder bed fusion (PBF) 3D printing, we systematically analyzed the effects of size, geometry, and laser energy on wing deformation. The findings provide a comprehensive dataset for optimizing bioinspired wing-morphing designs, showcasing the potential of PBF for creating lightweight, shape-morphing structures without embedded electronics.
M.B. Khan, K. Schäfer, F. Hofmann, M. Lutzi, E.S. Oliveros-Mata, O. Pylypovskyi, D. Makarov, and O. Gutfleisch
Bioinspired Design, Fabrication, and Wing Morphing of 3D-Printed Magnetic Butterflies
Adv. Intell. Syst. 2400620 (2024).
DOUI: 10.1002/aisy.202400620