New publication in Acta Materialia

Our group has published new findings in Acta Materialia on the magnetocaloric properties of Ni-Co-Mn-Ti all-d Heusler alloys. The study investigates the maximum achievable magnetocaloric effect around room temperature in high magnetic fields, showcasing a record saturated adiabatic temperature change of -20.2 K compared to other materials with magnetic field-induced first-order phase transitions. These findings emphasize the great intrinsic potential of Ni(-Co)-Mn-Ti all-d Heusler alloys for efficient caloric cooling technologies. The study was carried out in collaboration with the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory, an institute of Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf.
B. Beckmann, A. Taubel, T. Gottschall, L. Pfeuffer, D. Koch, F. Staab, E. Bruder, F. Scheibel, K. P. Skokov, and O. Gutfleisch,
Giant magnetocaloric effect of Ni-Co-Mn-Ti all-d Heusler alloys in high magnetic fields,
Acta Materialia 282 (2025), 120460.
The open access paper is available here: