Publikationen des FG Disperse Feststoffe

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Zhaoju Yu, Zhenyue Wang, Xichao Dong, Jia Sun, Xingang Luan, Ralf Riedel
Liquid single-source-precursor synthesis and phase evolution of SiC-HfC-C ceramics nanocomposites with core-shell structured SiC@C and HfC@C nanoparticles
Open Ceramics, Volume 15, September 2023, 100430.
DOI: 10.1016/j.oceram.2023.100430
Olim Ruzimuradov, Khusniddin Musaev, Shavkat Mamatkulov, Khakimjan Butanov, Isabel Gonzalo-Juan, Liudmila Khoroshko, Nurmuhammad Turapov, Suvonkul Nurmanov, Jamoliddin Razzokov, Victor Borisenko, Ralf Riedel
Structural and optical properties of sol-gel synthesized TiO2 nanocrystals: Effect of Ni and Cr (co)doping
Optical Materials, oVolume 143, September 2023, 114203.
DOI: 10.1016/j.optmat.2023.114203
Orevaoghene Eterigho-Ikelegbe, Emmanuel Ricohermoso III, Hamza Harrar, Ralf Riedel, Samson Bada
Strong, lightweight, thermally stable, and hydrophobic sustainable structural composites produced from coal-based waste and polymer-derived SiOC ceramics
CLEAN TECHNOLOGIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY, online available since 29 July 2023.
DOI: 10.1007/s10098-023-02589-x
Mingxing Li, Ran Mo, Jie Zhou, Conglin Zhang, Xuefeng Cui, Fang Ye, Laifei Cheng, Ralf Riedel
Microstructure control of porous Si3N4 whisker scaffolds by in-situ carbothermal reduction and nitridation reaction
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, online available since 28 July 2023
DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2023.07.066
Yongchao Chen, Tianshu Jiang, Chuanmu Tian, Ying Zhan, Esmaeil Adabifiroozjaei, Alexander Kempf, Leopoldo Molina-Luna, Jan P. Hofmann, Ralf Riedel, Zhaoju Yu
Molybdenum Phosphide Quantum Dots Encapsulated by P/N-Doped Carbon for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Acid and Alkaline Electrolytes
Chemistry Europe, online available since 15 July 2023
DOI: 10.1002/cssc.202300479
Yongchao Chen, Tianshu Jiang, Chuanmu Tian, Ying Zhan, Alexander Kempf, Leopoldo Molina-Luna, Jan P. Hofmann, Ralf Riedel, Zhaoju Yu
Single-Source-Precursor-Derived Binary FeNi Phosphide Nanoparticles Encapsulated in N, P Co-Doped Carbon as Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction and Oxygen Evolution Reaction
Energy Technology, online available since 1 June 2023.
DOI: 10.1002/ente.202300233

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